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Support. Education. Treatment

Support. Education. Treatment

A good psychologist and psychotherapist help their patients improve their quality of life. That is why my vision and mission is to provide expert help, effective treatment, and thorough education to each of my patients.

My main goal is increasing my patients’ satisfaction with their work and personal lives. I do all I can to ensure that the psychotherapy and coaching I provide in my practice are professional, effective, and of the highest quality.

I help people who have found themselves in a difficult situation as well as those who have been going through a psychological crisis for a longer time. I support my patients and clients as they make positive changes in their lives — get through depression, get better at stress management,
overcome anxiety and panic attacks, personality and eating disorders, as well as improve their interpersonal skills in forming healthy relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners.

Best  regards,
mgr Anna Báthory – Psychotherapist,  Coach

mgr Anna Báthory
Psychotherapy, Coach

Many of my patients live and work outside of Poland — all across Europe, in the United States, even as far as Australia.

 I help to find them the best ways to overcome adaptation problems, communication barriers, separation from their loved ones, financial anxiety. When an overwhelming amount of emotional weight starts to have a negative impact on mental health, I facilitate therapy of anxiety issues, depression, and disordered eating, among others.

Many expat Poles seek out online support on their mental health journey. To meet their needs, I have been providing professional online therapy and psychological consultations via Skype for a few years now with positive results.

In my work, I also consider the needs of professionally active people and those who are only embarking on their professional journey. I offer career coaching — a method that aids in developing your professional potential, reaching your professional goals, as well as building and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

I practice in the INVENI Psychotherapy and Coaching Clinic in Cracow. As an experienced and trusted psychotherapist, I offer psychotherapy and coaching sessions that are tailored to best suit my patients’ and clients’ needs. In my work I observe medical indications, best practices and professional ethics.


Anna Báthory 

I provide support in mental health and coaching for people living in large cities and small towns, as well as those permanently residing outside of Poland.

I make appointments in the location most convenient for my clients: Cracow and Tarnów, as well as online and via Skype. I practice in three languages: Polish, English, and Spanish.

I always treat each patient and client individually, with respect and understanding for their needs. I have almost 10 years of professional experience. As a committed psychotherapist, I continue to develop my competence and knowledge in the areas of psychology, psychotherapy, coaching and interpersonal skills.

Get in touch via phone or email, or book your first appointment online.

Anna Báthory, 
Psychotherapist, Coach
Psychotherapy and Coaching Clinic
Cracow, Tarnów, online, Skype

Anna Báthory 

I provide support in mental health and coaching for people living in large cities and small towns, as well as those permanently residing outside of Poland.

I make appointments in the location most convenient for my clients: Cracow and Tarnów, as well as online and via Skype. I practice in three languages: Polish, English, and Spanish.

I always treat each patient and client individually, with respect and understanding for their needs. I have almost 10 years of professional experience. As a committed psychotherapist, I continue to develop my competence and knowledge in the areas of psychology, psychotherapy, coaching and interpersonal skills.

Get in touch via phone or email, or book your first appointment online.

Anna Báthory, 
Psychotherapist, Coach
Psychotherapy and Coaching Clinic
Cracow, Tarnów, online, Skype


W mojej pracy uwzględniam też potrzeby osób aktywnych zawodowo oraz rozpoczynających życie profesjonalne.

Proponuję im coaching kariery – metodę pracy, która służy rozwijaniu potencjału zawodowego, realizowaniu celów profesjonalnych oraz budowaniu równowagi między karierą a życiem osobistym.

Gabinet Psychoterapii i Coachingu Anna Báthory to miejsce mojej prywatnej praktyki zawodowej. Jako doświadczony, zaufany, dobry psychoterapeuta prowadzę psychoterapię oraz coaching w zindywidualizowany i dogodny dla moich pacjentów i klientów sposób. W pracy przestrzegam wskazań medycznych, najlepszych praktyk i kodeksu etycznego zawodu psychoterapeuty.

W mojej pracy uwzględniam też potrzeby osób aktywnych zawodowo oraz rozpoczynających życie profesjonalne.

Proponuję im coaching kariery – metodę pracy, która służy rozwijaniu potencjału zawodowego, realizowaniu celów profesjonalnych oraz budowaniu równowagi między karierą a życiem osobistym.

Gabinet Psychoterapii i Coachingu Anna Báthory to miejsce mojej prywatnej praktyki zawodowej. Jako doświadczony, zaufany, dobry psychoterapeuta prowadzę psychoterapię oraz coaching w zindywidualizowany i dogodny dla moich pacjentów i klientów sposób. W pracy przestrzegam wskazań medycznych, najlepszych praktyk i kodeksu etycznego zawodu psychoterapeuty.


Anna Báthory

La información en este sitio tiene carácter informativo y educativo. No puede ser tratado como terapia en sí mismo. Si necesita ayuda, es aconsejable tener una consulta psicoterapéutica o ponerse en contacto con un psiquiatra.
El contenido publicado está protegido por derechos de autor y no se puede copiar ni distribuir sin el permiso del autor


Laboratorio Anna Báthory Psicoterapia y Coaching Cracovia
ul. Sarego 12 lok. 14, Kraków – Śródmieście
Laboratorio Anna Báthory Psicoterapia Tarnovia
ul. Okrężna 4A, Tarnów
tel.: +48 501 19 20 48

© Anna Bathory 2020
Realizacja: Media in Motion
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